How to Disable Footers in WordPress Themes

Remove WordPress Footer Text With CSS

  1. Log in to your WordPress.
  2.  Click "Appearance," and select "Customize" and then select "Additional CSS." 
  3. Paste the following code into the CSS file:  .site-info { display: none; } 
  4. Click "Save."
There is also a possibility that by using this method may hurt your site's search engine rankings. If you notice any drop in your Search Rankings, try removing this CSS code and use another method to hide the footer.

Disabling the footer.php Code in WordPress

There is a second method to disable a footer it will disable the footer code. This can also be done directly in the Wordpress Dashboard. This method hides the footer code from both visitors's web browsers and search engines so you don't have to worry about search engine optimization issues.
  1. Log in to your WordPress, 
  2. Click "Appearance" and then select the "Editor."
  3. Select the "Footer" or "Theme Footer" link, (which opens the footer.php file). 
  4. Insert a new line at the top of the code and then type "/*" in that line (This is the beginning of a comment tag). 
  5. Insert a new line below all of the ode and type "*/" there (This is the end of the comment tag). 
  6. Click "Save Changes."
Anything that we put between the comment tags is ignored by web browsers.

Editing the footer.php File With a Text Editor

If your WordPress theme doesn't allow you to edit the footer.php file in hosting, you can do this yourself by downloading the file from your website and editing it with any basic text editor, like Notepad,Notepad++ and others but i suggest you Sublimetext . Save the file(as a copy of original file) and then replace the footer.php file on your website with the edited file. 
Note: Microsoft Word is not suitable for editing PHP files. 
You will also need a FTP software to upload files to your website. Many web hosts today offer a browser-based FTP service. But if you don't have this option, you can use a free FTP software like Filezilla.
Kaleem Khan

I'm Kaleem Khan Citizen of Pakistan. Student Of Bachelor of Computer Science at the Virtual University Of Pakistn.

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